Pastoral Services

Hospital Visitation

Home Visitation

St Davids Pastoral Services
Our Pastoral Services
As a community church we offer our pastoral services to ALL in need, members and non-members alike and deem it a great privilege afforded to St Davids. Our services include:
- Hospital Visitation
- Home Visitation
- Communion
God’s holy Word declares that Christians should not neglect gathering together in fellowship and worship.
We are social beings, and therefore need interaction with likeminded people. There are however times that due to illness, injury or frailty some will not be able to attend the weekly Services and Bible study held at the church.
St Davids Congregational Church
Our History
Our Minister and Pastoral Care Chaplain and Representative is available to visit folk in their homes for prayer and encouragement, and to serve communion to those who may not be in a position to attend these services.
Please contact our Church Secretary should you require any assistance in this regard.
“Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.“