Ceremonial Services



St Davids Ceremonial Services
Dr Bruce Woolard is a licensed Marriage Officers and Commissioners of Oath.
We offer relevant, inspirational and personalized weddings to all heterosexual couples, irrespective of their age, race and religious backgrounds or church membership. We love people as the Lord does, and therefore keep our ‘doors open’ to the whosoever will.
We believe by offering wedding ceremonies we build bridges with couples and show our love and appreciation for them. We believe marriage is a precious union, which God designed, and therefore we honour the commitment that couples are willing to make to each other, in the presence of witnesses and the Lord. We believe the strongest unit in society is the family unit, and we know when a family honours God in their marriage and home, He will honour them.
The Minister will meet with the couple a week or two before the ‘big day’ and go through the order of service, tailoring it to their needs.
St Davids Congregational Church
Our History
We also touch on practical and spiritual principles for a fruitful marriage. There are no ‘marriage courses’ per se that we prescribe, however, we offer literature and DVDs on relationships and we are available for any marriage advice/counselling at any time, at the request of the couple.
We desire to make the wedding day a memorable one and will do our best to ensure it.
Wedding bookings are made through our Church Secretary for both on-site and off-site weddings for any day of the week, however, Sunday’s are excluded.
St Davids Ceremonial Services
We see the purpose of a Christening as threefold:
- To name the child
- To dedicate the child to God, who is the Giver of Life
- To pray for wisdom in parenting
It is therefore a dedication ceremony and not a baptism with water as some other churches would prescribe. We believe it is important for parents to recognize the fact that life belongs to God, and that He takes a loving interest in the raising of all children. The child should grow up with an understanding that God created them for a specific purpose, and that the church is not to be their enemy, but friend. By offering a Christening Service we build a bridge with the family by exposing the child to his/her very first Church Service.
As the child grows up, they have an awareness and identity with a local Church and the Lord, who loves them and wants the best for them.
Our Christening Services are brief, but meaningful services, and are normally 15-20 minutes in duration.
St Davids Congregational Church
Our History
The ceremony is held in our Church, directly after the 9:00am Sunday Service, which offers families the opportunity to invite relatives and friends to join and celebrate a very special and memorable occasion.
The age of the child to be Christened varies, but usually a baby under 1 year of age is ideal and parents need not be members of our Church.
We invite parents to book a date for a Sunday Christening with our Church Secretary.

St Davids Ceremonial Services
Loss of a loved one, due to illness or accident, whether old or young, is always difficult to deal with emotionally. Families are often faced with many sudden decisions and arrangements that have to be made.
At St Davids we offer practical, emotional and spiritual support during this time of need and grief.
Our Minister and Church Secretary are able to guide family members in their decision making regarding the funeral arrangements.
We are a community based Church, and therefore offer our services to members and non-members alike.
Funeral Services are structured to be dignified and well balanced emphasising the greatest hope that we have: the promise of eternal life offered by Almighty God, and guaranteed by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
St Davids Congregational Church
Our History
Although the funeral is an emotional time, we believe that a concise practical message of hope centred on the Lord Jesus Christ will bring comfort to family and friends.
We also offer free counselling to help family members cope with the emotional trauma.
Please contact our Church Secretary should you require the assistance of our Pastoral Team in this regard.
“Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.“