Contact Us
St Davids contact information
Contact Us
4 Verbena Avenue (Cnr Verbena & Cassia Drive)
Sunridge Park
Gqerberha (Port Elizabeth)
Church Office Hours
Weekdays 08h30 – 14h00 (TELEPHONIC QUERIES ONLY)
Secretary – Elzunia Kozakiewicz
Church Office: +27 41 360 1127
Church WhatsApp: +27 81 041 0935

ueSt Davids Congregational Church
Tithes & Offerings
Should you wish to make a direct deposit into St Davids bank account, the church banking details are as follows:
Account Holder: St Davids Congregational Church
Nedbank Cheque Account No: 1268 035 025
Branch Code: 126817

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.“