Counselling Services

Family Counselling

Relationship Counselling

Grief Counselling

St Davids counselling services

Why We Care

At St Davids we are passionate about people and therefore offer support to members and non-members through whatever challenges they might be facing.  Our aim is to help people by directing them to truths that have stood the test of time and that will guide them into right thinking and actions. We offer free family, relationship, and grief counselling.

St Davids counselling services

Family Counselling

More than ever before in our society, families are facing trials that result in the breakdown of the family unit.  We are able to assist by giving practical guidelines and advice on how to establish healthy family bonds.

St Davids counselling services

Relationship Counselling

Relationships form an integral part of our lives whether with parents, children, siblings, spouses, work colleagues or friends.  With proper direction and mediation, relationships have every chance of succeeding.  Oftentimes, lack of communication is the root cause of problems and talking with a counsellor helps to resolve issues and bring about conclusive solutions that are beneficial to all parties involved.

St Davids counselling services

Grief Counselling

At some time or another we all will be struck by tragedy and will face hurt and pain. Grief counselling enables the counselee to work through the stages of sorrow until they begin to heal. God never gives up, so why should you?

“Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly.

– 1 Peter 5:2