
St Davids ministries


C.O.R.E. Youth Church is for teenagers who feel that they are too old for Sunday School and too young for Church. C.O.R.E. stands for – Christ Our Redeemer Everlasting. The C.O.R.E. group meets in the Church Hall Upper Gallery every Sunday at 9:00am to discuss the Bible and it’s relevancy in their lives.

A leadership team of C.O.R.E. members have been chosen to organize and lead a youth event for primary school children between the ages of 9 and 13 years old. The main goal of the youth is to grow the current Sunday School and secondly to establish a strong connection between the children that attend Sunday School and the teenagers that attend C.O.R.E.

St Davids ministries

Sunday School

The Sunday School membership, although small, provides Bible teaching to children every Sunday at 9:00am. Our Sunday School teachers seeks to provide practical Biblical teaching to our children.

St Davids ministries

Women’s Association (W.A.)

In March 1964 St Davids Women’s Association was formed and a WA Constitution was proposed which would make the WA a semi-autonomous body functioning as a para-church organ of St Davids. While the records in our archives indicate that the WA did not formalise the proposed constitution of 1964, it nevertheless impacted the development of the church and for decades formed the “backbone” of our fellowship and regular takeaway suppers and socials.

A revival and new constitution was adopted at the ladies meeting on Tuesday 18th February 2020.

The ladies of St Davids work non-stop in their outreach endeavours to the needy with the unfailing support of the congregation, family, colleagues and friends who enthusiastically rally to their call.

St Davids ministries

Care & Outreach Teams

We at St Davids are passionate about people and therefore offer support to communities who are suffering hardships and are indigent. Through the dedicated and loving work of our congregation, spearheaded by our active Women’s Association, St Davids supports various outreach programmes, and is able to reach out to those less fortunate, fulfilling the Lord’s mandate – to love our neighbours and serve His people.

Our Social Outreach comprises of volunteers from our congregation, spearheaded by our active Women’s Association, who assist in meeting practical and spiritual needs of those who might not necessarily have access to them. Members of our congregation, community and local businesses donate goods towards our Food Parcel & Clothing Bank project which we distribute to those who are in need within our community. Tracts (English, Afrikaans and Xhosa), Bibles, booklets and dvds/cds from our church resource material are also included.

..St Davids Congregational Church

Our History

Collection points for donations towards our Social Outreach projects are provided at our main church entrance and reception.

Some of the items collected and distributed are:

  • Used Clothing for all ages in good condition – baby to adults.
  • Shoes for all ages.
  • Baby clothes, blankets, baby bottles, etc.
  • Bed linen, towels, etc.
  • Basic toiletries – toothpaste, soap, face cloths, deodorant, etc.
  • Children toys, educational toys and games.
  • Books (Regretfully no encyclopedias) adult and children, magazines, puzzles.
  • Non-Perishable food items like tinned food, sugar, tea, coffee, rice, maize meal, soya mince, soup, beans, samp, etc.

St Davids ministries

Community Outreach

Through the dedicated and loving work of our congregation, spearheaded by our active Women’s Association, St Davids supports various outreach programmes, and is able to reach out to those less fortunate, fulfilling the Lord’s mandate – to love our neighbours and serve His people.

Letters of Gratitude

Cuyler Holme
ACVV Poplarlaan

St Davids ministries


We are social beings, and therefore need interaction with likeminded people. There are however times that due to illness, injury or frailty some will not be able to attend the weekly Services and Bible study held at the church.

Our Minister and Pastoral Care Representative is available to visit folk in their homes for prayer and encouragement.

St Davids Congregational Church

Our History

St Davids ministries


The musicians at our public and special services complement our ministry and help us to set a traditional atmosphere for worship.

Mrs Alva Wenning is our official organist.



Mrs Alva Wenning

Mrs Alva Wenning


“Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.

– 2 Corinthians 5:18